Tag: Mickey Mantle

  • Does New York need Barney’s new International House

    The art of re-inventing Barney’s utilized a wide-range of mind-altering creative tools. In this case, a potpourri of highly recognized New Yorkers was employed to draw the association with the upscale range of men’s fashions inside the store and to give store the ultimate “New York” image. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svkPjHw_L-g&w=853&h=480]  

  • Billy, Mickey and Me.

    Creativity is where you find it. And the more limited the budgets of your clients, or the more adventurous the levels of impact you wish to achieve, you better find it in places other than the client’s reserve fund. The synthesizing of unrelated elements is often the key process in creative “inventions”. (When opportunity knocks,…